贾不假jhj: good movie experience!那时候的外科医生是全科医生。
可乐重度患者:编剧水平还是一样的烂,如果你要是能接受各种魔改,或者不在乎剧情只知道磕cp的sb,那这个挺好看 可是人物塑造和剧情就勉强及格线 算了,懒得打字, 真不如《麻美由真ED2K》也不如《情欲超市全文阅读》
想是多: a masterpiece! Every single episode is directed by the legendary Soderbergh so with each frame you can feel the drama or tension shining through. The knick is an incredible series with too real medical scenes, which may be hard for the weak stomachs. But anyways, do yourself a favor and watch this incredible show.